Over the last few years, MultiChoice, the company behind DSTV, has been steadily increasing prices across its various subscription packages. This reflects shifts in the African entertainment landscape and operating costs in general.

A concerned Netizen today highlighted how DStv Tariffs in African countries varied across various African Countries , Techspace Africa has analyzed the package prices across the continent to find out if the prices are comparative or if Multichoice is particularly pricey in the some countries.
We chose the popular bouquets, uniform in all the countries compared: premium, compact plus, and compact.

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As you can see in the table above, Kenyan subscribers pay significantly more than their counterparts in neighboring countries. For example, the Premium package, which offers the most channels and features, is priced substantially higher in Kenya compared to Nigeria, South Africa, and Ghana.
Key Observations:
- Kenya has the highest subscription prices across all packages.
- Nigeria offers the most affordable options, especially for the Compact and Compact+ packages.
- South Africa has prices that are generally comparable to Kenya, but slightly lower for the Compact+ and Compact packages.
- Ghana and Uganda have similar pricing structures, with Ghana being slightly more expensive.
- Tanzania has prices that are comparable to South Africa and slightly lower than Kenya.
Verdict: Population and number of subscribers does a lot in reducing price of pay per view services.
Source: TechSpaceAfrica