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He is quite unassuming but keenly focused, humble, hardworking, kind-hearted, and approachable. Up until his retirement recently, Pastor Moses Olubisose was the Founder/Principal of M. Olubi Solicitors, Solicitor of the Supreme Court [England and Wales]. He was previously Solicitor/Partner at Nathaniel & Co; and Managing Director at Centrepoint Welfare Limited. His father, Pa. Ezekiel Olubisose (deceased), was a farmer and an entrepreneur. He was renowned for the provision of water (known as ‘Omi Bami-Lubi’), to many in his native community, before the introduction of pipe-borne water. His mother, Madam Esther Olubisose (deceased), was a trader and a businesswoman; a very kind-hearted and a loving mother that was ever ready to help the needy. In this interview with Ademola Akinbola, he tells the story of his challenging early years and the success that has become from his efforts.

Congratulations on your voluntary retirement. Looking back, how would you describe your experience of working in Nigeria and the UK?

I have worked extremely hard in both countries starting as an office junior in Nigeria, rising to almost a managerial position before embarking on my journey to the UK for further studies; only to find myself in London studying and working as a cleaner in a very harsh cold environment to sustain myself. As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, but the time it took to build ‘Rome’ was painstakingly slow, difficult, challenging, and very rough indeed.

Earning a living in the UK, I would say, is tougher than in Nigeria, as the system in the UK is designed for one to work hard for every dime. Whichever country one is situated, it is important to have the spirit of excellence as ‘Daniel’ did in a foreign land. Without the blessings of GOD, it is vain to rise early and sleep late, because it is the blessings of GOD that make one rich without adding sorrow to it.


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The early years of my life were full of toughness and challenges which I later realized were designed so by GOD to accomplish HIS plans in my life. I attended Saint Luke’s Primary School, Ile-Oluji until 1970 when I proceeded to Kano for my secondary school education at a private institution (Efficiency Commercial) completing it in 1975, against all odds. By divine intervention, I got a job as an office junior with Panalpina World Transport (Nigeria) after my secondary education. I was very dedicated and in less than two years, I was promoted twice. While on this job, I was miraculously head-hunted in 1978 to join a haulage company, AJK Motors to work for the company’s Director and the General Manager, who were both Scottish. I was also placed on a managerial salary with full entitlements and an enviable office, although I was not yet a manager.

The position I occupied was a real eye-opener. It gave me deep insights into the bigger, wider world. I got to know and understand better many things that were previously shrouded in mystery to me. By the grace of GOD, I did not allow the privileged position or the flow of income to distract me unlike some other young boys of my age. I embarked on distance learning by correspondence with Rapid Results College UK, and also took advantage of every opportunity to acquire more knowledge wherever I was and whenever I could.

I began to save every extra income that came my way and started writing many UK examinations as an external candidate with the Royal Society of Arts, Pitman’s, etc. As I made progress in these examinations from basics to advanced level, I then began to plan ‘big’ to study abroad to enhance my prospects. In doing this, I deprived myself of many of life’s necessities to ensure that I saved as much as I could. I lived prudently, embraced a moderate lifestyle, and avoided the distractions that often truncate young people’s destinies. By 1979, GOD made a way for me to travel to the UK. I arrived in harsh bitterly cold weather, but turning back was not an option. I was involved in serious studies and doing odd menial jobs to support myself. The situation I found myself in was a far cry from the cosy and comfortable office I had in Nigeria.

While in the UK, I studied at two private institutions – the Centre for Business Studies as well as Centre for Marketing and Management Studies, obtaining various certificates and diplomas (with merits and distinctions), finishing with the Royal Chartered Institute of Marketing (final) after passing all components at one sitting, which was a very rare occurrence. Although I studied Law and performed excellently, I did not want to become a lawyer; In fact, the reason I studied Marketing Management was that I wanted nothing to do with Law at that time.

In 1983, I returned to Nigeria for the national service [NYSC]. I got an exceptional service letter for commitment and dedication, aside from the standard discharge certificate. My primary place of NYSC assignment was with Nigeria Airways into which I researched extensively and wrote an unpublished book titled – Marketing Activities of Nigeria Airways. Upon the completion of the NYSC programme, I weighed my options and decided to return to London in 1984. After trying my hands on the usual menial jobs such as mini-cabbing, and merchandising, I ended up working for several law firms doing various indoor and outdoor works.


I soon realised that everything I touched in Law was turning to ‘gold’ and that the LORD had ordered my steps back to what HE wanted me to do. Armed with the experience gained and with my interest in law rekindled, by 1990 I started doing all kinds of legal works permissible by the law at the time, although I was not yet a qualified lawyer. Time was tough, as I was the ‘all and all’ for the company I formed – Centrepoint Welfare. I was the secretary, messenger, manager, bookkeeper, etc. Getting clients was not particularly an easy task at the time as I was operating from home in what I would now describe as a dilapidated flat in a rundown estate part of London.

Being self-employed was a big challenge, with a very low income, and my family had to trust GOD for everything including daily feeding. GOD proved HIMSELF at each ‘dead-end’; HE provided where and when there seemed to be no way. I would stay up most nights to read and research law manually (not as in today’s age of computers and the internet). During the day, I would dutifully report at my ‘home office’ (a converted room within my rented flat), all suited up for any potential client, and was disciplined enough to only take 30 minutes to break per day during lunchtime. By the grace of God, I began to make progress and achieve excellent results for clients who dared to consult with me. Within a few years, the hardship began to give way to reasonable income enough to feed, clothe and pay the bills with a little bit extra. If I wanted a solid career in Law, I knew I had to study Law in-depth, which was not and still not cheap or easy.

With my already acquired qualifications, all I needed was to do a post-graduate conversion study in law. With a step of faith, I embarked on the ‘tough journey’ and enrolled at the London Guildhall University in 1993 while I continued to coordinate my business from home. Things were very tough as a result and I sincerely wished a day was made of 48 hours rather than 24. My days and nights were always crammed with many ‘to-dos’. Days when I was off the University, I spent seeing clients and ensuring that their work was done on time and my nights were either spent working or studying with very little time to sleep. There were also the works of the ministry to which I have committed and dedicated my life.

Upon completion of the post-graduate conversion course, I enrolled in the Law School at the same University, successfully completing it in 1997. After my Law studies, I did a compulsory training contract. Getting a training contract was like the ‘camel going through the eye of the needle’, but miraculously I had a place reserved for me without having to write a single application. GOD is really good, HE again proved HIMSELF. In 1999, I joined a Law firm – Nathaniel & Co., as a lawyer. I loved my job and was committed. Within two years I was promoted thrice to the position of Supervisor, then Operations Manager before becoming a Partner of the firm.

In 2003, M. Olubi Solicitors was birthed. Within a short time of commencement, we made so much progress that we were featured in several UK newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV, employing over 20 employees at some point. The journey has been very long, and sometimes very tough, but the LORD has been very faithful. Meeting various regulatory bodies and governmental guidelines, rules, and codes, adapting to changes in Law as well as meeting financial obligations are among the many challenges, sometimes causing the seeds to fall on the roadside, stony grounds, and amongst thorns. There is also the issue of working long and unsociable hours. As a self-employed, when duty calls, it is a must to answer even in the dead of the night. Self-employment is simply not for the faint-hearted; but it can be very rewarding with hard work, dedication, and above all, the blessing of GOD that makes rich, as when the seeds fall on good grounds.

Olubi 1

What are the major lessons life has taught you?

Life, as you know is a journey. A farmer is likely to be successful if he rises early to his day’s task. If not, by late afternoon, he would realise that many of his life’s tasks have been left undone. This same principle applies to all aspects of human existence. Often, we do not realise that time flies and by the time we come to the realisation, for many, it may be too late to make amends at the ‘eleventh hour. Man’s time on earth is like a passing shadow.


What were the challenges that confronted you in your working career?

Being self-employed, especially practising law, I believe is one of the most challenging encounters I had. It was all long, hard-working hours and constantly making sure that deadlines were met. While an employee can be certain of getting paid at the end of each month, the self-employed employer at the apex bears all kinds of burdens and brunt. I remember the early years of establishing M. Olubi Solicitors. In one year, I had to go without any income from the business for 11 months, and in another year, for 8 months. It was tough and rough, but I could not cry to anyone. Rather tougher was the fact that failure was not even available as an option.

Immigration law is an area where there are a few Nigerians. What motivated you to venture into this area of Law and how was the experience?

I have always loved Immigration law, but it was an area I got involved in fully in the latter part of my career. At the initial stage, Criminal Law/Litigation accounted for approximately 70% of my caseload. As we humorously joke in the profession that ‘crime doesn’t pay, it got to a point where the practice of criminal law does not pay ‘good dividends’, because of government’s rules and regulations as well as many cutbacks. As the practice of Criminal law became less and less attractive, it was important to evolve and move into other areas; hence Immigration law became prominent within my firm. The experiences I had in my early years in life, and my background in Marketing Management taught me to expect the unexpected so as not to get caught unawares by the unexpected. In the Bible, we find the story of wise and foolish virgins.


Being focused and dedicated are important ‘ingredients’ to achieving the plans that God has in stock. By the special grace of GOD, I managed to achieve tremendous successes on many occasions in the areas of law I practised. To the glory of GOD, several thousand had their status regularised in the UK. Many marriages were saved from collapse as my focus would generally be to tread the resolution path than issuing proceedings straightaway. In addition, I successfully dealt with several high-profile criminal cases; the details of which I cannot divulge due to the Data Protection legislation.

Who is Moses Olubisose? What words best describe your personality and character?

Over five decades after I left Ile-Oluji, Ondo State, I am proud that I did not forget my root, as there is no place like ‘home’. As far back as I can remember, even as a child, I have always been focused and despite life’s challenges, I continue to stand by the grace of God, who gave me the ability and tenacity to adapt to any situation I found myself. The parable of the sower was about the generosity of the sower who indiscriminately sowed his seeds. As much as the seeds needed good grounds, the seeds themselves should make efforts to flourish, regardless of what soil they were sown in. Paul may plant, Apollo may water, it is GOD who increases.

Lennox Mall

Rather than indulge in a pity party; I would rather engage in how best I can figure out a solution and make the best of a bad situation. For example, when I found myself as a cleaner in a then unfamiliar foreign land, I ensured that I was the best cleaner obtainable and as a minicab driver, I would spend time waiting for a fare to study the road maps like I was going for an exam, to get to know the streets of London well. The result was that I had an edge over my peers who spent hours arguing with one another about politics and issues that were to be irrelevant at that moment.

What are your core values?

The fear of GOD had always been and will continue to be very core key to me, as it is recorded to be the beginning of wisdom. Every time I called on GOD even in the tightest of spots, HE answered unreservedly (Jer 33:3). HE provided generously and miraculously (Gen 22:12-13), made a way for me, and provided help when least expected (Psalm 46:1). Like every human, I have my flaws, but GOD took me through them all. One of my favourite songs is: what shall I render to YOU oh LORD?


You are quiet and almost an introvert. Are you shy?

I am a very quiet person by nature and I consider myself a private individual. Shy? I wouldn’t say I am entirely a shy person; just that I guard what comes out of my mouth. Like every human, I sometimes let down my guards when amid my peers. I am usually slow to speak but quite often quick to listen. I desire that every word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart are acceptable always to the LORD.

What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is to be at peace – that is, the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding. The Bible in Luke 12:15 states that a man’s wealth does not comprise the abundance of his physical possession. To chase after wealth and lose one’s soul is a very unprofitable enterprise. Even Solomon, at the end of his life, came to one simple conclusion: the vanity of vanity all is vanity.


What are your post-retirement plans?

As I said in recent interviews I granted, and in response to many of my friends and associates who asked, I plan to take each day at a time and be closer to GOD by HIS grace. The book of Matthew 6 admonishes us not to worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow take care of itself. This passage of the Bible helped me tremendously throughout my career, as I focused my attention on resolving issues rather than worrying about them. Worrying simply multiplies the problems and surely provides no iota of solution.

What is the focus of the M. Olubi Foundation and what are your plans?

I set up M. Olubi Foundation over a decade ago with the main purpose of helping in my little way, the less privileged within the society like ‘save the children, ‘world vision’ and propagating the word of GOD. To the glory of God, I have kept it going with my funds and it is through the Foundation that I have channelled my charitable giving in recent years, which I intend to continue with by the special grace of the almighty GOD. Since my retirement, I have reached out to several individuals whose lives I believe have been impacted positively. In recent times, I have made donations to the ‘Magic Moments Charity (a dedicated charity helping children with life-limiting illnesses and their families); contributed to the humanitarian Appeal for Ukraine; provided assistance to many students to continue to receive education, who otherwise would have been out of schools as well as providing assistance to individuals with basics to start in life.

Do you have any regrets in life?

I would have wished for my parents to have lived longer than they did. As we all know, ‘when it is time, it is time’. There is a time for everything upon the face of the earth.

Are you fulfilled?

My fulfilment knows no bound for knowing God. I just could not imagine where I would have been without God. There is nothing I have ever learnt or encountered in life that is not in the Bible. My encouragement to us all is to make the best use of time by being focused and dedicated, worrying less, and letting the word of God dwell richly in our hearts.


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