Why Trumpism to the Republicans would have become a bad precedent that terrible leaders like him could predictably use in the future to justify bad behavior and criminal abuse of power if he is left unpunished now that he has lost his presidential immunity from prosecution in a country where nobody is above the Law
That is the tragedy of the Trump Presidency in a nutshell.
The chickens are now coming to roost for Donald Trump and his gang of crooks in the White House, in the DOJ and in the Halls of Congress and the US Senate.
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The end is near than anyone ever believed possible when Moscowmitch McConnell has used the Republican Majority in the Senate to not convict the twice impeached President who continues to see his acquittal as a licensed to commit more and more egregious crimes with tragic impunity never before witnessed in America.
Many people have labeled me as a habitual critic of President Trump not because the President had killed my dog or taken my wife. but just because I am a conviction writer and a syndicated columnist and a licensed mandated reporter with the courage of my conviction never to see evil and look the other way.
I would not have been surprised if my phone suddenly rang only for me to hear it was Apple or Microsoft on the other end telling me they have news for me following the expiration of the “Gang Order” placed on them in reference to my data.
Just like Congressmen Adam Schiff and Swalwell and the White House Legal Counsel Meghan were secretly spied upon by Donald Trump’s Gestapo, I would have been devastated .
The development was clearly worse and more devilish than what Richard Nixon had done to the Democratic Leadership Council Headquarters in Washington DC in the horrible Watergate Scandal.
Guess who had saved my life when he did not instruct the US Embassy In Lagos in 2019 not to evacuate any of his critics who had been stranded in Lagos.
I know I would have been first on that list and the DOJ could easily have gotten my name from Facebook based on the hundreds of articles I have written on Donald Trump .
I was sick like a dog and I thought I was going to die alone in Lagos where all of my children and adorable grandchildren based in America and scattered all over the world could not be of any help to me to bid me a final goodbye as I waited in my In- law’s Guest Chalet at the Maplewood Estate in Lagos waiting to be evacuated.
That thought alone was the hardest for me to bear. I was more than lucky when instead of evacuating me to my Base in New York, the Embassy had chosen to fly all the 300 of us in that Ethiopia Airline flight to Dulles Airport right into the welcome and the embrace of my son a medical doctor and his wife, a nurse by profession and their family.
They live at the Majestic Dominion Valley Estate in Haymarket, Virginia,less than half an hour drive to Dulles Airport.
I became the luckiest passenger in that flight. It was nothing short of a miracle.
That was how I got saved and I am still alive today thanks to God Almighty, the US Embassy in Lagos and Donald Trump.
I wrote the President an open letter of gratitude to thank him upon my return to my Base in New York 6 months after my arrival in Virginia.
Donald Trump is my benefactor in that context and I seize this opportunity to thank him one more time.
I was going to cut him a slack and to stop criticizing him for a while because a good turn deserves another
I would feel compelled to start writing on him again if I ever get a call from Apple or Microsoft that he has been spying on me.
I rest my case.
Dr. Wumi Akintide.