You are currently viewing <strong>Organisations Should Prioritise the Emotional Well-being of their People – <em>Abidemi Aderinto, Emotional Intelligence Specialist</em></strong>
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Abidemi Aderinto (Blissfulabi) is a certified EQ, CBT, and Happiness coach. She has about 10 years of experience working with individuals and organizations to realise their best selves, and to live their best lives. As a lifestyle coach, Abidemi believes everyone is a wonderful and unique person, entitled to a life of fulfillment, happiness, and harmony. As the founder of Blissful Unlearnings, she has worked with private clients and institutional leadership to gain emotional clarity, and balance, and develop the necessary skills to not only master their personal lives but lead effective and productive teams. Abidemi is an Emotions City graduate and a member of the Six Seconds Network. She is also a member of Midnight Therapy: a free therapy program set up by Emotions City to make therapy available to those who couldn’t afford the services but seriously needed them. In this interview with Demola Akinbola, she offers profound insights into the issues of mental health and emotional well-being of the people.

May we know you better?

I am a peace-loving, non-confrontational person who believes in letting everyone grow and evolve at their own pace and in whatever direction they choose. The words that best describe me would be love and bliss. Everyone knows I’m a sucker for love and I believe in its abundance and power. And blissful because that’s my desired and most general state. It’s also what I preach.

Tells us about your family background

I was born on the 10th of October, 1969 to Professor and Mrs. Aderinto, in Ile-Ife. I am the first of six children, and happen to be the only female child. As expected, I do most things differently from other women. My parents moved around quite a bit in the early years: Ife, Ilorin, the US, but eventually settled in Lagos. I attended Moluka Nursery, Yaba, Regan Memorial Baptist Primary School, and the University of Lagos Staff School. I left UNILAG Staff School in 1980 when I got admission into Methodist Girls High School, Yaba. In 1986 I gained admission to study Political Science at the University of Lagos where I graduated in 1991. So it’s easy to say I lived most of my life in Lagos, though my parents tried to make us well-rounded by including traveling in our culture.

Tell us about your unforgettable moments 

The memory that trumps all others for me would be the birth of my grandson and when one of my sons won an award. Both moments were so surreal.

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What has your career trajectory been like?


Let me start by saying I have always known that I am meant to work with people: helping people. But I didn’t get clarity till later along my journey. My first job after graduation was in a health and fitness outfit (Clair Resource). I held that down for some years before I moved into banking. While in the bank I noticed my flair for people and resolving issues. I began to explore my options and initially thought I was called into ministry because I was experiencing and expressing certain gifts. Now I understand that I am called indeed not to pastor a localised group but to help people to expand their minds and recognise how powerful they are. So, I started to look for ways to develop myself. Life will grant you what you are looking for. I did my first certification as an Emotional Intelligence Specialist and I absolutely loved it. Finally, I was on the right path. Then I trained as a Therapist and I have been working with people and organisations for about a decade now. I continue to learn and improve

What are the highlights of your career milestones?

That would be the success stories of those I have coached and mentored. Also, when the doors to corporate training open, it feels good to be acknowledged.

What led to the establishment of Blissfulabi? When was it established?

Blissful Unlearnings was established just short of a decade ago. I had been working with individuals and desired expansion into the corporate world. I wanted to be recognised and have access to companies and government parastatals and agencies. It was time for the brand. I was doing life-changing work

What are the plans and programmes of Blissfulabi?


Emotional/mental health is very vital to the quality of life, and we desire to see it given priority. We have been using and continue to use our social media platforms to promote this. We have services that include in-house training for organisations as well as in-house therapy. We believe that it is time that organisations and groups prioritise the mental/emotional well-being of their people and have mental/emotional health professionals on their retainer. We have packages to suit different demographics. Apart from the one-on-one therapy sessions, we also offer virtual sessions. Plus we have customized packages created to cater to different organizations and their peculiarities. Schools aren’t left out.

What are the achievements of the company?


We are up and coming but we are strong. We have influenced hundreds into making better thinking choices. We are gradually establishing ourselves in the Emotional/mental health industry. We run successful and life-changing training programmes. Also, our clients have reported more clarity, peace, and happiness. Many of our clients have gone further to refer us.

What has life taught you?

Lennox Mall

Personally, life has taught me that if you think you can, then you will. What you believe in most powerfully determines what you experience in your life. Also, the better you do, the more good that comes back to you. That there’s a God, that although we don’t see Him if we trust Him, He’ll work out things for us. That we don’t have to struggle, good things can come easy.

What does success look like and what does it mean to you?


Success to me is the continuous achievement of a worthy ideal. And my ideal is to help people feel better so they can do better. Daily, I try my best to do this. So if someone leaves my company in a better state of mind than when they arrived, I see it as success. If this translates to good income, well that’s greater success.

What are your success principles?


Success principles sound so academic. However, I never stop learning. I am always open to updating myself. I persist in my trade. I continue to do what I know to do in the best way I can, maintaining resourceful states. I do my best to maintain a state of mind that can identify opportunities and take the right actions. Many experiences in life render people unresourceful. I am my number one client. If you know my life and look at me, there’s no doubt that what I sell works.

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Would you say that you are fulfilled?

I can say that I am at peace. I am grateful for where I am while open to great growth and expansion. I enjoy the work that I do.

Tell us about your family. How are you able to achieve the work/life balance?


I am a mother of five wonderful humans and three are already adults. When it comes to family life, there’s always room for improvement. There’s no issue when it comes to time. I make myself available when they need me.

How do you relax and unwind?

I meditate a lot. It helps with grounding and balancing my state. It also helps clear out unwanted energy especially when you’ve done therapy. I watch only comedies and funny skits. I stay away from negativity.

What advice do you have for the youths?

My advice for the youths is to dream as big as they dare. They should get a coach to support and mentor them; there are many of us around. They should prioritize their mental/emotional health, and get help when they feel overwhelmed. Don’t be sucked into other people’s expectations of you. If you have light, and we all do, let your light shine.

Tell us about your involvement in other projects and activities within and outside Nigeria

We do pro bono work by offering free therapy and sometimes coaching sessions for free. This is an online service and is not limited to this shore. We are currently working on a global movement but it’s still in the development stage. It’s influenced by the belief that people will behave better if they can feel better. And it would include those with the heart to give to the society

Social Media Contacts

Instagram: BlissfullAbi_Unlearnings Website:

Facebook: BlissfulAbi’s: Blissful illumination; Link:


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