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Willie Obiano. Photo; WILLIEMOBIANO
ANAMBRA State Governor, Willie Obiano, has commissioned a N50 million Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Eldorado Hospital, Awka, reminding the citizens of the second wave of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in the country.

Speaking at the ceremony yesterday in Awka, Obiano urged people in the state to take the necessary COVID-19 protocols seriously to avoid the ugly experience in India.

According to him, the pandemic suddenly resurfaced in India after majority of its citizenry had relaxed observance of basic protocols, following apparent 90 per cent victory over the virus.

Obiano, who was represented by the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Vincent Okpala, wondered why many people in the state were relaxing the measures against the virus.

He said: “We encourage everyone to comply with the protocols. The vaccination is here and people are no longer hesitant, having discovered that nothing bad happened to those of us who have taken both first and second dose. ”

“It is good we take advantage of what we have. We don’t understand this disease and thinking we are home and dry. India managed to control COVID-19 90 per cent and started celebrating; politicians stopped wearing their masks and playing down on measures. We saw what the result was. Indian experience should teach us lessons.”

Obiano commended the hospital for providing the state-of-the-art equipment, adding: “It was first of its kind in a private hospital in the capital city. It would go a long way in complementing those in public hospitals to meet the health needs of the citizens.”

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