Super Eagles go into the Amahoro National Stadium, Kigali on Tuesday afternoon hoping to maintain a ‘status quo’ in encounters with Rwanda.

Before now, there have been four previous clashes at Grade A level and another one at the lower African Nations Championship contest.
In none had the Rwandans prevailed. The best they had obtained were drawn matches of which there are three instances.

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But the two won matches with identical scorelines of 2-0 were not easy for the Super Eagles.
They may have to dig deeper to sustain their current momentum. A win in the early AFCON Match Day 2 belt will have consequences. The major being sustaining a fabulous head-start in the 2025 Africa Cup qualifiers and using the same to reconstruct their damaged reputation in the 2026 World Cup qualifying series.
They look set to rewrite their story after the damaging World Cup qualifiers and the coaching crisis among others. Eguavoen, an initial rejected stone is becoming a solid cornerstone in the same fashion that Cote d’Ivoire’s Emerse Faé emerged a national hero after being initially overlooked in the search for a replacement for the sacked Jean-Louis Gasse at the last AFCON.
Just as it happened to Faé, a good win could consolidate Eguavoen’s claim to the position of Super Eagles’ chief coach.
Source: Sportvillagesquare