Monogamy is a tough call. One-man-one-woman can only be the title of a book, it can’t be law or most men end up in jail. Fine, women cheat too but for today, let’s just concentrate on the men.

Men are used to hunting. They see a woman endowed with a beauty queen waist that tapers into South-African hips and dive right into it. It’s what they do. And it is what we know. But when a man gets propositioned, when he is hunted or toasted, he starts singing in tongues. He can resist hunting, even if it is for a while but being hunted is a different matter altogether. He most likely, most often will not say no to a girl offering it on a platter of gold. A few men, a few times but most men will grab with both hands what a woman offers. I can’t say I know what goes on in the mind of a man when a girl not only hangs tantalizing stuff all over him but I know he most likely is not thinking of the consequences. He’s too far gone, too high up in cloud nine to care about the morning after. You see, girls, why you should worry more about who goes after your husband instead of who your husband goes after?
When a man has been in a relationship for a long time, his ego begins to suffer. He needs someone to reassure him he’s still ‘quoted on the stock exchange’. He needs someone to tell him he’s still cool. Yeah, he’s 55 and bald and his wife loves him ‘to die’ but he no longer loves himself that much. He wants to hear it. He needs to feel good. So, when a woman, especially a younger one winks at him or he winks at one and she winks back, he wants to follow things to a logical conclusion. His ego needs a booster and what more can be more reassuring than a satisfying quickie when missus is not looking, right? At least, that’s what he thinks. Until he gets into trouble.

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When a man’s partner loses interest in what he once had interest in, he feels a strong need to go hunting and a man in a hunting mode is a dangerous man. For instance if he was used to spending the weekend with his wife and suddenly the wife gets all busy a la corporate executive globe-trotting or China to Dubai businesswoman, bros may want to fill in the gap with someone else. Yes now, you think it’s every man who will start going to mid-week service because his wife is not available? It will start innocently and one thing will lead to two things and so on and so forth.