You know that feeling when you’re totally comfortable around someone? When you can be yourself without even thinking twice?

Feeling safe and secure is invaluable. And the thing is, women often show that they feel safe with you in the most subtle ways.
These little behaviors might be easy to miss if you’re not paying attention, but they’re gold mines of insight into how she really feels. So let’s have a good look at 9 subtle behaviors a woman typically exhibits when she feels safe and secure around you.

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1) Unintentional touch
When a woman feels truly safe and secure around you, she’ll likely get more comfortable with physical contact.
This doesn’t mean she’ll start hugging you out of the blue. Instead, pay attention to the subtle, ‘unintentional’ touches.
She might brush her hand against yours while reaching for something, or lightly touch your arm while laughing at a joke. These are subconscious, involuntary actions that suggest she’s comfortable in your presence.
Of course, everyone’s personal boundaries differ. It’s always crucial to respect her space and comfort level.
But generally speaking, when a woman feels safe and secure around you, these unintentional touches become more frequent. It’s like an unspoken language expressing her trust and comfort.

2) Open and honest communication
Here’s a personal example that comes to mind. I remember when my significant other started opening up to me about her day-to-day experiences, her fears, her dreams, and even her past.
It wasn’t just about sharing facts. She was sharing emotions, feelings, and thoughts that she normally kept close to her heart. And she wasn’t just talking about the good stuff either.
She was open about her worries and fears, which showed me that she trusted me enough to be vulnerable.
Looking back, this was a clear indicator that she felt safe and secure around me. She felt comfortable enough to share her deepest thoughts without the fear of judgement or rejection.
So if you find a woman openly communicating with you on both trivial and profound matters, it’s likely that she feels safe and secure with you. It’s a subtle but powerful sign of trust and comfort.
3) She initiates contact
According to research, women are biologically wired to be more selective in choosing their mates. This is because, from an evolutionary perspective, women bear larger costs from making a poor mate choice.
So when a woman initiates contact, whether it’s a text, a call, or even a simple smile across the room, it’s quite significant. It means she values your company and feels secure enough to reach out first.
This behavior may seem commonplace, but when considered in light of evolutionary biology, it signifies a strong sense of safety and security she feels with you. So next time she initiates contact, remember, it’s more than just a friendly gesture.
4) She shows vulnerability
Vulnerability is often seen as a sign of weakness, but in truth, it’s an act of courage and strength. It’s about taking off the armor and showing our authentic selves, warts and all.
When a woman allows herself to be vulnerable around you, it’s a powerful indication that she feels safe and secure. She trusts you enough to let down her guard and reveal her true self, imperfections included.
This might mean sharing personal stories from her past, expressing her insecurities, or even shedding tears in front of you. These are not signs of weakness, but signs of trust.
5) She includes you in her future plans
Planning for the future can be a daunting task. It involves a lot of uncertainties and variables, which can make it feel quite personal and intimate.
When a woman starts including you in her future plans, it’s a clear sign that she feels safe and secure with you. She sees you as a stable and constant presence in her life.
This could be as simple as mentioning a concert she wants to attend with you next month, or as significant as discussing long-term life goals.
The key is that she’s envisioning a future with you in it, which conveys a deep level of trust and security.
6) She’s herself around you

There’s nothing more heartwarming than seeing someone you care about truly being themselves. No pretense, no masks, just their authentic self.
When a woman feels safe and secure around you, she won’t feel the need to put on a show or impress you. She’ll laugh freely, express her thoughts openly, and maybe even show a goofy side that she usually keeps hidden.
Seeing this side of her is a privilege. It means she trusts you enough to let you see her as she truly is, without fear of judgement or rejection.
7) She seeks your opinion
I remember a time when my partner started asking for my thoughts on matters big and small. It could be anything from what color to paint the living room to how to handle a tricky situation at work.
At first, I thought she was just trying to involve me in her decision-making process. But over time, I realized it was more than that. She wasn’t just seeking advice, she was showing that she valued and trusted my judgment.
This is another subtle behavior that indicates a woman feels safe and secure with you. When she seeks your opinion, it’s a sign of respect and trust. It shows that she values your perspective and considers you an important part of her life.
8) She’s comfortable with silence
Silence can be awkward, especially in the early stages of a relationship. But as comfort and trust build, so does the ability to enjoy silence together.
When a woman is comfortable sitting in silence with you, it indicates a deep level of security. She doesn’t feel the need to fill every moment with conversation, because she’s content just being in your presence.
This might mean enjoying a quiet meal together, sitting side by side reading, or simply watching the world go by without the need for constant chatter.
Being comfortable in silence is a subtle behavior that speaks volumes about how safe and secure a woman feels around you. It’s a sign of deep comfort and trust.
9) She openly expresses her feelings
According to studies, at the heart of feeling safe and secure is the freedom to express one’s feelings without fear. When a woman feels safe with you, she’ll openly share her emotions, both positive and negative.
This could mean expressing her joy on good days, her frustrations on difficult ones, or even just sharing the mundane feelings of everyday life. It’s about more than just communication; it’s about emotional honesty.
This openness is the ultimate sign of trust and security. When a woman can express her feelings freely, it’s because she trusts that you’ll receive them with understanding and empathy. It’s a testament to the safe and secure environment you’ve created together.
At the heart of it all: Trust
At the heart of it all is trust. When a woman feels safe and secure with you, it’s because she trusts you—plain and simple.
Whether it’s through those quiet moments of shared silence, the way she opens up about her feelings, or even the small, unintentional touches, these are all signs that she’s letting her guard down.
And that’s no small thing. Trust is the glue that holds everything together, the foundation that allows for real connection.
If you’re seeing these signs, know that you’ve built something special. Those subtle behaviors are the heartbeat of a relationship built on security, respect, and genuine connection.