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I went back to my room but T called me to come watch a movie on his laptop. He said he wanted me to see some action on the movie that will prove to me that there is such a thing as G $p0t. He even joked and laughed saying after watching the movie, that I will be ready for my wedding night which was actually barely two months away.

We watched the movie together….the movie had intense er0t!c scenes and T was touching me and f!ng3r!ng me. I knew I should have resisted but the movie, the alcohol, the sx* talk with his friends had messed up my head. T did a number on me that day. I finally discovered I had a G $p0t…I 0rga$med like 3 times that night. My life changed.

The next day…the guilt that consumed me was fire. I was engaged to be married in two month…T was married with a six month old baby. We promised to keep the secret cos we both did not want to break up our relationships. Back to work…I tried to get back working with T like nothing happened.

I threw myself into planning my wedding too. But I could no longer look T in the eyes anymore like before. He too felt uncomfortable around me. A week to my wedding, T came to my desk and said we need to talk. We went to the canteen to have lunch together and he poured his soul out.

T said he has not been the same since the s$*x with me in PH last month. He said he was always thinking of me and he is running crazy doing that. I told him the same thing. MY body shakes anytime I remember that night and everytime I see T at work…my heart starts beating.

continue reading….

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