Eating healthy is hard, someone said. I do not blame her; it is difficult to figure out what to eat and what not to eat at first.

It is not hard once you get used to it, do it this way.

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Do not let me or anyone else force you to go on this journey. I happily share here in the hopes of motivating you, but it is critical that you make this decision for yourself because that is the only time you will take it seriously and embrace it wholeheartedly.
A problem cannot be solved without first acknowledging its existence and being willing to find a solution.
After it is finished, do not replace them. This was one of the steps that assisted me with the children. I used to buy breakfast cereals in boxes from various brands because they were used frequently, and some of them ate them at regular intervals throughout the day.
When I made up my mind, I stopped restocking. When I noticed this was no longer there, that was the end of it for us, but I had already devised an alternate plan.

I have and will continue to sing this. Let’s say you want to stop eating a particular meal, sausages for example ( a lot of us call it hot dog). If you are that person that eat sausages a lot, you might want to learn how to make this at home first.
Sausages are ontop of my list on foods you should fly away from. It is a proccessed meat, filled with all the things you shouldn’t have in your body.
Buy your fresh meat, pound it with your mortar until it is well grounded for those of us that do not have or want to use blender, add your own seasonings and roll, then toss in the oven, trust me, you will get a more satisfying, healthier result. Minced meat works great too.
Without this, you may fall yakata or struggle to remain true to yourself.
I attended a party last weekend. We attended the celebration of a family friend’s 60th birthday. I have not seen them in a few years, so you can imagine the excitement and hugs. It had been years, but once they heard from us that we were going to attend, they made some arrangements to accommodate us.
This does not happen at every event I attend, but those close to me understand that I will not eat and do not take offense. If I decide to stay for an extended period of time, I may bring something to eat or drink so as not to inconvenience anyone(I rarely do this).
This does not imply that I do not cheat; I do, but I choose what I cheat on. I will not eat sausages on cheat days (though I used to).
Discipline is essential for success in any endeavor, so be disciplined if you want to succeed on this journey.
Nutrition is vast, and even a nutrition professor does not know everything, but they know enough to help you and are constantly learning, upgrading and researching.
Let me use Olive oil to illustrate further. We all know that one of the oils I strongly recommend is olive oil, among a few others, but did you know there are olive oils among olive oils?
That is what I mean by “continuous learning.” That you should enjoy your coconut cream does not imply that you should simply walk into a store and pick up any cream you see. You might be doing more harm than good to yourself. Stay hungry for the right information and keep learning.
Do not jump at transitioning; instead, start with these few guidelines and you will be able to adjust gradually while reaping the true benefits of eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle.
I am rooting for you.
Ijeamaka Ij