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•Government Girls Junior Secondary School, Jangebe in Zamfara

The parents of the students of Government Girls Junior Secondary School, Jangebe in Zamfara State have set up a camp within the school premises in anticipation of the release of their abducted children.

The schoolgirls were abducted from the school in the early hours of Friday.

Although it is yet to be confirmed whether the government is in contact with the abductors, the parents said they are counting on the State Government and security operatives for the successful rescue of their girls.

One of the parents, Shitu Habibu Jangebe, who spoke to our correspondent over the phone, said they have been in the school since Saturday morning and will not leave until they hear the good news.

“Although we have seen a number of trucks going into the bush, we don’t know what for because no one is telling us anything. But we have hope the trucks may be used to bring back our children,” the parent said.

Also, a top government official craving anonymity told Channels Television that significant progress is being made in securing the girls’ freedom. “I can assure you these girls will soon be rescued,” the official said.

Earlier, the State Police Command had dispatched two surveillance helicopters to reinforce ground troops around the suspected areas where the girls are possibly being held.


Special forces from the Inspector General of Police and men of Operation Puff Adder are involved in the rescue operation. (CHANNELS TV)

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