You are currently viewing Victory over those mocking your destiny, by Pastor Wole Oladiyun
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What does it mean to MOCK?

To mock means:
To insult

  • To ridicule
  • To Humiliate
  • To treat with contempt
  • To deride
  • To frustrate hope
  • To disappoint on purpose
  • To express scorn
  • To treat insincerely
  • To treat in a pretentious manner
  • To deceive
  • To defy



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  2. Galatians 6 v 7 


“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.


“Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. You will reap exactly what you plant.”



  • Ephesians 4 v 29


“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”


“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”


“And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them.”



“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.”

  • 2 Kings 2 v 23 & 24

v.23Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!”

v.24 “So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the Lord. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.”

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  1. Mockers are rebellious and disobedient.
  2. Mockers manifest the Jezebelic spirit.
  3. Mockers are killers of hope and future.
  4. Mockers are pretentious and crafty.
  5. Mockers are on the lookout for your unguarded hours to strike.
  6. Mockers can play along with you for years only to strike at a later date.
  7. Mockers use evil spoken words to pull down.
  8. Mockers have sepulcher throats and poisonous tonguesRomans 3 v 13 – 18
  9. Mockers are wasters of destinies, spoilers of glory and emptiers of resources.
  10. Mockers are dream killers.
  11. Mockers nail peoples potentials and make those that should be victors in life victims.
  12. Mockers kill manifestations and render victims useless.
  13. Mockers  threaten with fear to disallow manifestation.
  14. Mockers give bad reports and fabricate lies.
  15. Mockers use propaganda and scandals to ensure failure.
  16. Mockers are agents of distractions, in order to derail focus
  17. Mockers are the arch-enemies of your efforts.
  18. Mockers are saboteurs.
  19. Mockers are enemies of progress.
  20. Mockers are pretenders that engage so much in eye-service.
  22. Nehemiah 4 v 1 – 4

v.1 “But it so happened, when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, that he was furious and very indignant, and mocked the Jews.”

v 2 “And he spoke before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, “What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they complete it in a day? Will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish—stones that are burned?”


v.3 “Now Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and he said, “Whatever they build, if even a fox goes up on it, he will break down their stone wall.”

v.4 “Hear, O our God, for we are despised; turn their reproach on their own heads, and give them as plunder to a land of captivity”

  • To distract you.
  • To make you loose focus.
  • To make you feel worthless.
  • To lower your self-worth/self-esteem, self-confidence, self-value etc. but greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
  • To make you feel bad about yourself or your work or institution.
  • To make you hate yourself  or make you suicidal.
  • To make you a reproach.
  • To make you give up too soon, because they know if you continue, you will succeed.
  • To stop the good things going on in your life.
  • For you to leave your chair, so that they can occupy it.
  • To make you feel ashamed at yourself.
  • To make you stop, what will lead you to success, but don’t listen to them, keep doing your good work.
  • To make you start doubting your ability, but you know what? You are competent, there is something in you deposited by God, that is not in another person, you are unique in every way.
  • To make you feel that your God is powerless remember Psalm 62 v 11.  “God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.”
  1. HANNAH  –  1 Sam. 1 v 5 – 7,  20

Peninnah mocked Hannah but God gave Sarah Testimonies

  • SARAH     –        Genesis 21 v 9 – 12

Haggar and her son mocked Sarah and they were sent away.  God does not take lightly when His children are being mocked.

3.      DAVID  –  1 Sam. 17 v 42 – 44

Goliath belittled David, but God fought for David and Israel.


4.      JEPHTHAH  –     Judges 11 v 1 – 11

A Gileadite, his siblings thrust him out of the family’s inheritance, claiming that he was a bastard.  But in the process of time, he became a deliverer not only for his family but to the nation of Israel.

5.      ELISHA  –  2 Kings 2 v 23 – 24

Some little children met him on the way and mocked him, calling him a bald headed man but the consequences was sudden death for those children.

6.      MEPHIBOSHETH   –  2 Samuel 9 v 1 – 13

A son of Jonathan who has been mocked and sentenced to a place of forgetfulness, but God opened a book of remembrance concerning him.  He was restored to the position at royalty which he belonged to.

7.      JESUS CHRIST  –  Mathew 27 v 29 – 31; 1 Corinthians 2 v 7 – 8

He was mocked and crucified, his mockers later regretted and shouted had I known.

8.      HEROD     –  Acts 12 v 21 – 23

As a king, he mocked God and was even equated by his people as God.  He shared God’s glory with him.  He was smitten by an angel and eaten  of worms and died.

9.      SERVANTS & HANDMAIDENS OF GOD  –   2 Chronicles 36 v 16

“But they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no remedy.”

  • Micah 7 v 8

“Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me.”

1.      Trust in God                         –        Jeremiah 17 v 5 – 8

2.      Fear God                               –        Proverbs 19 v 23

3.      Strong Faith                         –        Mark 9 v 23

4.      Reject unbelief                     –        Romans 4 v 20 – 21

5.      Obedience                                      –        Deuteronomy 28 v 11

6.      Flee from sin                        –        1 John 1 v 8 – 9

7.      Discover your purpose               –        John 18 v 37

8.      Conquer Fear                       –        Proverbs 29 v 25

9.      Acquire relevant knowledge      –        Proverbs 11 v 9

10.    Avoid carelessness            –        Isaiah 32 v 9 – 11

11.    Don’t Procrastinate             –        Ecclesiastes 9 v 10

12.    Stop making excuses                  –        Luke 19 v 20 – 21

13.    Have the right mentality     –        Proverbs 23 v 7a

14.    Avoid Laziness                    –        Proverbs 12 v 24

15.    Be diligent                                      –        Proverbs 10 v 4; 30 v 25

16.    Be focused                                     –        Luke 9 v 62

17.    Keep good company                   –        1 Corinthians 15 v 33; Proverbs 22 v24-25

18.    Take Correction                             –        Proverbs 12 v 1

19.    You need God’s guidance –        Psalm 32 v 8

20.    Avoid distractions               –        2 Kings 2 v 3

21.    Be firm in your decision making  –      James 1 v 8

22.    Planning                                –        Luke 14 v 28

23.    Persistence                                    –        Luke 18 v 5

24.    Be patient                                       –        Hebrew 6 v 12

25.    Giving                                    –        Luke 6 v 38

26.    Wisdom                                 –        Proverbs 4 v 7

27.    Do away with pride             –        Proverbs 29  v 23

28.    Do a good warfare              –        1 Timothy 1 v 18

29.    Do away with bad characters     –        Gal. 5 v 19 – 22

30.    Maximize your time             –        Nehemiah 6 v 3

31.    Don’t be desperate             –        Phill. 4 v 6 – 8

32.    Discipline                              –        Galatians 5 v 16, 22

33.    Get a mentor                        –        Mathew 4 v 19

34.    Bridle your tongue              –        Eccl. 5 v 2

35.    Be proactive                         –        Est. 4 v 15 – 16

36.    Prevailing  and fervent Prayers-          Luke 19 v 11 – 27; Prov. 29 v 18, James 5 v 16b

37.    Be thankful                                     –        1 Thessalonians 5 v 18

  1. Your life is undergoing serial attacks from all sides.
  2. You have become an object of mockery everywhere.
  3. People don’t see anything good in you.
  4. You are always meeting wrong people.
  5. There is an object of mockery in your life.
  6. Your situation is truly pathetic, you need God’s intervention to halt the ongoing mockery.
  7. You need God to send you an urgent Help, Mercy and Favour so as to be delivered from mockery.
  8. A mockery situation is ongoing in your family. You need God now.
  9. Too much aggression against your life and work causing mockery.
  10. You don’t want any of these causes of mockery, delay, addiction, failure, lack of results, lack of testimonies, rejection, frustration, disappointment, inability to make a headway, marital turbulence, business failure, failure in examination, visa denial, sicknesses.



  1. Who is like unto thee,

O! Lord, who is like unto thee (Exodus 15 v 11)

  • Unto thee O! Lord

Do I lift up my soul  (Psalm 25 v 1 & 2)

  • Jesus must be honoured, must be honoured, must be honoured

Jesus must be honoured in my life every day

  1. Calvary power over any form of mockery, fall upon my life in Jesus name.
  2. The Grace of God to overcome destiny mockers, flow into my life in Jesus name.
  3. The Mercy of God to silence destiny mockers; flow into my life in Jesus name.
  4. The favour of God that will wipe off mockery from my life, family & work, flow into my life in Jesus name.
  5. Altar of mockery raised against my life, my family and my work, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
  6. Problems assigned to mock my destiny and existence, your time is up, disappear in Jesus name.
  7. Current challenges in my life mocking my faith in God, disappear in Jesus name.
  8. Strange difficulties in my life mocking and challenging my welfare, asking !where is my God! disappear in Jesus name.
  9. Any negative character, any bad Habit, any negative behaviour sustaining mockery in my life, be removed in Jesus name.
  10. Council of destiny mockers against me, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
  11. Those being used by the devil to mock me, be disgraced in Jesus name.
  12. Channels of ridicules, insults and mockery into my life, close by fire in Jesus name.
  13. Strongman of darkness supervising mockery in my life, home and work, be disgraced in Jesus name.
  14. Arrows of mockery fired against me, backfire in Jesus name.
  15. Unfriendly friends assigned as agents of mockery against my destiny, be exposed, be disgraced in Jesus name.
  16. Those mocking my destiny, my work, my family, my God will mock you in Jesus name.
  17. Unknown covenants connecting my life to mockery, break by fire in Jesus name.
  18. Marks of mockery, insults and shame in my life, blood of Jesus cancel them in Jesus name.
  19. Testimonies that cancel mockery, manifest in my life, home and work in Jesus name.
  20. O! Lord honour me with miracles that will humble my mockers in Jesus name.
  21. Anointing to be victorious over the mockers, fall on me in Jesus name.

Jesus is Lord.

Pastor Oladiyun is the Senior Pastor of the Christ Livingspring Apostolic Ministry (CLAM), Omole, Lagos, NIgeria. Visit for more prayer bulletins. To purchase any of his over 100 books, visit

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