Over the past six years, the U.S.-Africa Trade Council (USAfriTC), has brought together business leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, vendors and representatives of African countries and US government for a yearly gathering in the United States, to establish and grow international Trade and Investment relations across the two trade blocs.
This year’s summit focusing on investments and opportunities in Agribusiness, alternative Energy, Telecommunication, Mining, Real Estate, Manufacturing, HealthCare, Hospitality, and Financial Services was originally scheduled for October 18-21, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia, with the goal to catalyze strategic ideas and catalogue methodologies to harvest these opportunities for the mutual
benefit of Africa and the United States.
The interest generated has been remarkably high indeed, but many participants have faced challenges in obtaining U.S. Visa interview appointment dates in most African countries, with the wait time spanning a longer than usual period. Thus, the postponement of the event to a new date has become inevitable.
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This date shift will favor having more African businesses, thought leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs in the room, with more productive dividends and full realization of the trade summit goals and benefits. A new date will be announced in a few days.
The U.S.-Africa Trace Council (USAfriTC) is the leading advocacy organization representing American and African top companies doing business across the aisle. Conceptualized almost 8 years back, the USAfriTC is the premier non-profit, non-government organization which serves as the key liaising body representing African and American business and enterprises having business interest in the two respective trade zones.
Regis Uzoma, EVP/CMO
U.S.-Africa Trade Council.