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You have the key to manifest and unlock all of your dreams and turn them into reality.

There is greatness inside of you. YOU are YOUR potential. Follow the work that inspires you and devote your heart and soul to that mission. You have the key to manifest and unlock all of your dreams and turn them into reality.

Here are 7 actionable steps that you can take to achieve greater focus:

Believe in yourself

Set clear boundaries

Eliminate what is holding you back


Define daily actionable steps

Find a coach or a mentor


Set a timeline

Create a success roap map


Having identified and glued to the above in the order of priority, don’t allow limiting beliefs to get in the way of your success. Your mindset is everything, you have got to train it to be your supporter and not your opponent.

Although, this takes practice and work but it can be achieved through persistence.

Turning negative self talk around into positive self talk becomes a greater weapon over our bodies and what it is capable of doing. Destructive thought patterns can do just that.. destroy you, if you allow them.

Why do we think the way we do?


Much of it has to do with how we were brought up, experiences that have been passed down onto us and absorbed from our parents. We grow up viewing ourselves a certain way and it is very hard to break these cycles and develop new and healthier mental habits.

So many of us are completely unaware of these thought patterns for years, decades or even entire lifetimes, we speak to ourselves a certain way over and over again. Hundreds of thousands of times throughout any given day, week, month and year of our lives.


The thoughts we think manifest into our actions and the actions we take become the lives that we lead. The human mind, the ego, society, and the illusion we all live in have given us walls to exist inside of. To break free from those limitations we have to clear the mind out of our way to look deep within ourselves and realize our true essence.

That is where you find the calling that speaks to you and reveals who you truly are.

Lennox Mall

We are not defined by ego, judgement, society, technology or any other external standards. We define ourselves, our own truth, the gift of you is the piece of art that you give to the world for only a blink, an original piece that has never been before and never will be again.

Don’t waste your beautiful art and don’t ever let anyone tell you how to paint your masterpiece. Give yourself space to allow things to unfold naturally and not tightly cling to forcing anything that does not feel in alignment with what you are meant for.


How do you know what your purpose is? I think we are born with many gifts and not just one sole purpose.

It is up to you to do the deeper work to discover what those gifts are and then what clicks and resonates most that gives you purposeful passion.


It does not always have to mean what we do for our career. It also should not mean that we are defining ourselves by our work and our work alone.

By doing so, it can lead to falling down a destructive hole of only identifying with what you do and not who it is that you are, sometimes losing who that truly is in the process.

When we give ourselves conditions defined by failures, success and accomplishments we are propping our very existence up and placing all of our expectations and happiness upon those things. What if they all disappeared tomorrow, like the snap of your fingers, what would you do or feel like?

Material possessions, houses, jobs, and even other people are all wonderful additions to treasure like pieces of jewelry that accompany us throughout our life.


But if we take the pieces of jewelry off, do you leave a piece of you behind with it or do you remain whole? When we define ourselves through attachment we are handing over our power to that possession or person.

Once taken away we are left with a source of emptiness and then must seek to fill that void with something else again, only to start the same cycle over until that piece eventually leaves us as well.

You truly do have the power to decide and to manifest any kind of life that you want for yourself.

What are you waiting for?

Adunke Olatunji

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