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Nigeria cannot claim to be closer to God and to his only begotten son than the tiny state of Israel which is surrounded by hostile Muslim neighbors who conquered “the chosen people and the Elect of God” and drove the Jews to other parts of the World from their God- given father land, took over the whole place just like they had done to Turkey, a one time citadel of Christianity which is today a predominantly Muslim Country.

I can never forget the History of Turkey and how prayer Warriors like Oyedepo must have prayed and spoken in tongues before the fall of Turkey to Islam.

History is about to repeat itself in Nigeria as the last 6 years of Buhari in Nigeria have witnessed the massive influx of the Fulanis into all of the Forests and the Bushes of the Southern half of Nigeria even more than it was in the last 50 years or more even under the regimes of Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan who are both southerners.


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The North of Nigeria is more than 4 times bigger than the South in land mass. The North has enough grazing land to accommodate all of the itinerant Fulanis of West Africa, but they chose instead to clandestinely settled them in the South without the knowledge or permission of the southerners, and now our prayer Warriors like Oyedepo are now praying to God to save us from Fulanis who have already successfully laid ambush for the South fully armed to the teeth while the same God had not raised objection.

The Bible tells us how the walls of Jericho had collapsed just by the Israelites walking round the wall but that same miracle is not available to the southerners today.

What can save us is awareness and eternal vigilance which is the price of Liberty.

What we need is collaboration that has occurred from the formation of NINA ( Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance) to seek for help from the international Community before the guerrilla Warriors of Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and ISIS combined to conquer the South for Islam.

Those mercenary soldiers have already surrounded us without the knowledge of our 17 Southern Governors and their Governments and we still think that prayers, wishful thinking and speaking in tongues would do the magic.


We deceive ourselves if we believe that. The Southeast axis of the resistance are better prepared than the Southwest.

The Revolver and Pistols and Gun Manufacturers factories of Umuahia Ubeku are busy at work arming the foot soldiers of Biafra not so in the Southwest.

You can now watch the video to understand our predicament and the threat we face in the Southwest in particular.

The CAN (The Christian Association of Nigeria) must cry loud to their counterparts in America and Europe and half way around the World to alert them about the pogrom that Christians are soon to face in Nigeria.

I rest my case.

Dr. Wumi Akintide


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