Unhealthy lifestyle habits open a wide door to multiple health concerns. One of them is high cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that is produced by the liver for the formation of cell membranes, vitamin D, and balancing hormones. Being insoluble in water, cholesterol is transported to different parts of the body through a particle called lipoprotein, which has a specific protein on its surface. Only when cholesterol combines with the high fat and low protein content lipoprotein to form Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) then it be harmful to the body. This problem arises when your diet is rich in unhealthy fatty foods and on top of that, you live a sedentary life. The LDL starts building in the arteries, blocking and narrowing them, which over time can lead to heart attack and stroke.
How the symptoms can reflect in legs
The most dangerous thing about cholesterol build-up is that the condition shows no symptoms until it reaches a dangerous level and starts affecting your daily life. The only way to diagnose and prevent it is by getting a regular blood check-up. When the cholesterol level rises in the blood to an extreme level, it starts affecting the Achilles tendon of your legs. This, in turn, can lead to visible symptoms in your legs. Here are some that you need to look out for:
Pain in the legs
When the arteries of your legs are clogged, a sufficient amount of oxygen-rich blood does not reach your lower part. It can make your leg feel heavy and tired. Most people with high cholesterol levels complain about burning pain in the lower limbs. One may feel pain in any part of the leg like thighs or calves. The pain is mainly felt when the person’s walks, even for a small distance.
Leg cramps
Intense leg cramps when sleeping is another common symptom of high cholesterol levels damaging the arteries of the lower limbs. The cramps or spasms are mostly felt in the heel, forefoot, or toes. The condition gets worse at night while sleeping. Dangling the foot off the bed or sitting can be the option to get relief from it. Doing the help the blood to flow downwards due to gravitational force.
Read more: The right way to manage your cholesterol level, as per an expert
Change in skin and nail colour
A decrease in the flow of the blood can also change the colour of toenails and skin. That’s mainly because the cells are not getting proper nourishment due to decreased flow of blood carrying nutrients and oxygen. The skin will get shiny and tight and the toenail may thicken and grow slowly. Read more: 7 foods to reduce cholesterol levels
Cold feet
Remember how your feet feel cold during chilly winter days. High cholesterol levels can make your feet the same way all around the year. Even in summer, your feet will feel cold when you will touch them. It is an indicator of PAD. Do not ignore it and talk to your doctor.
Times of India