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Reno Omokri, aide to former President Goodluck Jonathan, has been accused of abandoning his family in the United States to live with his newfound love in the United Kingdom. According to Thewillnigeria – Omokri recently welcomed his fourth child with his UK based lover, whom they named after his former boss, ex-President Goodluck Jonathan – while his wife and his three kids stay back in the US.

The report is coming barely a few weeks after Omokri said he has no sympathy for single mothers, except those who became single mothers as a result of rape. The statement didn’t go down well with a few Nigerians especially, celebrity single mothers. In many of his posts tagged #RenoNuggets, Omokri had advised married men to desist from cheating on their wives.

He said instead of having side chicks, men should have side businesses and remain faithful to their wives.

But the publication by revealed the alleged dark side of Omokri, which counters what he preaches in the public domain.

Read the full story below…

Reno, who currently spends most of his time in London rather than the US where he is supposed to be based, recently welcomed his fourth child named after his former boss, ex-President Goodluck Jonathan. He had sent a photograph of himself, his new baby, and a lady he identified as Hana, to a daily newspaper last week for a congratulatory message on the dedication of the child. Reno, who claims to be a pastor/preacher posted the said publication on his social media page, thanking the paper for honouring him and his ‘wife’ with the publication.

In the post, he deliberately omitted the woman’s name but referred to her as his ‘wife’. Well, according to THEWILL checks, Reno wasn’t being truthful and has been outrightly deceitful. His rightful wife whom he married in Nigeria in both traditional and Church marriage ceremonies before their relocation to the United States, is Tope Omokri nee Onuwaje, a school teacher in the city of Antioch, a small town in northern California, where they also live.

THEWILL investigations revealed that the controversial former aide, two years ago abandoned Tope for reasons best known to him. They lived as man and wife in that city with their three children. Reno, who recently initiated #harassbuharioutoflondon, was only able to do so conveniently because he absconded to London where his new partner lives, contrary to his narration of flying out to London from California for the cause. He has allegedly refused to contribute to the upkeep of his family, one of whom is a special needs child.


This is beyond absurdity for a man who claims to have single-handedly built an orphanage in Edo State and is always quick to donate money to other people in need. Even the Holy Bible, to which he often makes reference, describes a man who is unable to cater for his family as worse than an infidel. A control freak, Reno allegedly subjected his estranged wife to emotional abuse for the better part of the 14 years they lived together.

The former presidential aide, who is never short of an opinion on virtually every subject on earth and everyone, including a recent statement about not having sympathy for single mothers except they are victims of rape or domestic violence, needs to reveal the full identity of the woman in the publication to the people he projects his self-righteousness to. Does he now have two wives? We sure know he has not divorced Tope because our reliable sources say they are still legally married. So we ask! Why did he abandon his family in the first place?

Meanwhile, a check by showed that Reno Omokri is yet to clear the air on the issue. A recent post he made on Twitter was flooded by comments from his followers, asking him to clarify himself on the alleged case of infidelity.


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