You are currently viewing Of mind and copier, by Tim Akano
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Of all the mysteries of human existence, this has to be the greatest: Mind, the Master Xerox Machine

Is it real or just a figment of my imagination? And either way, how does it work?

To xerox a document, photocopiers use electrostatic charges on a light-sensitive photoreceptor to transfer toner onto paper to form an exact image. Copiers can copy, print, scan, email and fax a document seamlessly, once it is programmed accordingly.


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Similarly, human beings can be likened to a Document company with all the necessary tools to copy, print, scan, email, and fax a duplicate document just like any Xerox machine. Yes, the human Mind and brain work exactly like a photocopier.

Our Mind is the photocopier, the Toner represents our Thoughts while the Paper is the words that come out of our mouth and the machine’s Scanner stands for our Eyes. Images are equally scanned by the nose, ears, and tongue.
Whatever the eyes see, the nose smells, the tongue tastes and the ears hear gets scanned and sent to the mind for duplication. In a jiffy, the exact copy is reproduced.

Creation is always happening on a per-second basis, it is forever work-in-progress, constantly and clinically reproducing our thought into its physical equivalent, without alterations.

Whatsoever we think, visualise, dwell on and say gets xeroxed by the mind-copier machine. We receive mint duplicate copies of our cumulative dominant thoughts, in due season, in full measure.

As an individual, or a nation, continent or race, the photocopied document in our hands today, i.e.our present situation, is our creation through the choices we made consciously or otherwise in the time past.


The brilliant French writer, Colettee’s last words: look in your daily practice, connect to detail, look, listen, think and feel detail , mind is the master copier.

For example, between 1991-1995, Rwanda national photocopier machine was on auto, copiously copying hatred, printing pains, scanning sorrow, emailing evil and faxing falsehood about Tutsi and Hutu people, same people, same ethnic group, same religion, same country!

France and the Western media saw Rwanda hate document which was originally printed on size A4 paper and they helped enlarge it to Size A0

Results? Rwanda was ravaged by diseases, hunger, inferno, war, and death for about 5 years.

Meanwhile, when Rwanda woke up and saw the mountains of corpses on the streets of Kigali, with over one million Rwandans dispatched to the Great Beyond, they changed their photocopier’s toner to that of love and beauty, they inserted a new paper of truth and selflessness and replaced the scanner with innovation and hard work.

Today, in same Rwanda, the duplicate copies coming out of the nation’s copier’s tray are prosperity, happiness, love, beauty, and peace.


President Paul Kagame has since relegated both France and the Western media into the limbo of irrelevance. The last time President Macron of France visited Rwanda, President Kagame sent one of the Ministers to receive him at the Airport unlike in the past when the whole of Rwanda nation would line up the street to receive a Western nation Leader.

Unfortunately, most African countries as I write are using the toner and paper that brought Dante’s inferno upon Rwanda in 1991. They have refused to learn from the Rwanda’s experience.
It is sad that Ethiopia and Tigray are both scanning and duplicating horrors and sorrow for their people.


From Nigeria to Cameroon, Sudan, South Sudan, their photocopiers are busy scanning hatred and faxing war materials.

It is never too late, though, to change the Toners in those countries, I believe Most especially, Nigeria, with a population of about 220 million, 1991 Kigali model is a NO NO

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Africa today represents our collective and cumulative dominant thoughts, as what is without matters little. What is within is the master, the controller.
Mind is the real Mr. Fix It.

Mind is the Super Minister of Internal Affairs with absolute responsibility for External Affairs


The Mind is like the Data Center, warehousing our experiences and thoughts, the good, the bad, and the ugly, our body is just a helpless vehicle of its manifestation.

And now, I seem to hear some voices soliloquising, But do you really mean to wish away the evils of slavery and colonialism and its concomitant negative impact on Africa? No I didn’t say that.
But I know it to be an immutable truth that extraneous circumstances can only continue to stymie Africa’s modernisation agenda provided there are willing and powerful collaborators Africans aiding and abating the colonisers and neo colonisers to continue the exploitation of Africa.


For countries that shared similar experiences with Africa like South Korea, Taiwan and India, etc had since changed their respective Copier’s toners, papers and scanners.
They have proudly received new duplicate copies of their documents (countries). And it shows.

The same thing is applicable to the Young African leaders, tagged the History-Changing-Generation. If you don’t like the photocopied document of your life as it is currently, the fellow responsible is the same fellow you saw in the mirror this morning!
Train your eyes to scan progressive things and change the toner.

All it requires to obtain a new satisfactory duplicate document of your life is an investment by you of about 10,000 hours of deliberate, unbroken and undiluted activities, using a new toner, paper and scanner.

In the MIND-WORLD just as in the MATTER-WORLD each clings to its kind:


Do you wish for Transformation, Be prepared to Toil

Do you wish for peace, practice love and fair play

Do you wish for Prosperity, Be ready to Perspire

Do you wish for Truth, Be true

What an individual, or a nation, continent or race gives of itself, it finds

You want to rule your world? Change the Toner (Thought), insert a new Paper (Word), and repair or replace the Scanner( Eyes, Ears, Nose and Tongue) of your photocopier-mind, for out of it flows all the issues of life.


You Must Go On
I Can’t Go On
On the Horizon
I see hope
Possibilities I see
And Light at the end of the tunnel
I will Go On.
For Transformation is always a Generation’s away for Motherland
And just 10,000 hours away, for thyself.
Just a few hours, before Dawn

Therefore, wake thou thyself

And Wake up Africa, too

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