Bisi Adewale

Correcting your spouse should always be approached with care and respect. Here are nine ways that are generally considered ineffective or damaging:
- Publicly embarrassing her: Criticizing or correcting your wife in front of others can be humiliating and damaging to her self-esteem.
- Using sarcasm or belittling language: Mocking or demeaning your wife’s actions or words is hurtful and counterproductive.
- Ignoring her feelings: Dismissing or invalidating her emotions when she expresses herself can create resentment and distance in the relationship.
- Being condescending: Adopting a superior attitude can make your wife feel inferior and diminish her confidence.
- Interrupting or talking over her: Not allowing her to fully express herself can make her feel unheard and unvalued.
- Making sweeping generalizations: Avoid phrases like “You always” or “You never,” as they can feel accusatory and escalate conflicts.
- Blaming her for everything: Taking a defensive stance and always placing blame on your wife can erode trust and create a hostile environment.
- Bringing up past mistakes: Rehashing old arguments or past errors can reopen wounds and hinder progress in resolving current issues.
- Refusing to apologize: Failing to acknowledge your own mistakes or apologize when necessary can damage trust and prevent reconciliation.
Join me to learn more on how to break negative patterns in marriage this Sunday 28/04/24 by 2pm. At Living Spring Hall, Allen junction, Awolowo way Ikeja Lagos.

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