You are currently viewing Meet Prince Oladimeji, City of Yorkers System Administrator who wants to become Alaafin of Oyo
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His conscience is the strongest element of his nature. His affections are tender and warm. His whole nature is simple and sincere – he is pure, and then is himself.

If you haven’t guessed yet, these good attributes sum up the character of Prince Olaide Dahood Oladimeji

Prince Oladimeji is a role model for integrity and honesty, as he offers people so many examples of good character traits.

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A man with a highly-regarded quality, Prince Oladimeji’ s good character includes integrity, honesty, loyalty, respectfulness, humility, compassion, fairness, forgiveness, authenticity, courageousness, generosity, politeness, kindness, and lovingness.

Born 58 years ago, Prince Oladimeji, an indigene of Oyo town and son of Pa Sikiru Folorunso Oladele Oladimeji (aka Baba Olopa), the descendant of Tella Kofoworola (Baba Ilaka), Ilaka Olokuta Compound, Oyo town in Oyo State, Nigeria had both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from the City University of New York, the United States (U.S.).

He held a Technology Engineer position at a global company named Givandan Fragrances Corporations, East Hanover, New Jersey, USA for 16 years.

Prince Oladimeji is currently the System Administrator for the City of Yorkers, NY, U.S.

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He is a Publisher, Philanthropist, and adjunct Lecturer in Mathematics at the City University of New York, USA.


He had many awards at every level of his career, including the one the Mayor of Yorkers, New York awarded him, as the ” Employee of the year 2019″.

Others included the Student of the year award, City University of New York 2005, Computer Science award, Summa Cum Laude award, Magna Cum Laude award, and the Golden Key International award.

Prince Oladimeji is one of the aspirants to the Alaafin stool.

He is a man of integrity who is relentlessly honest, principled, with high ethics, as well renowned for his unwillingness to compromise on doing the “right thing.”

He is a chivalrous knight. Prince Oladimeji exudes the confidence he possesses from his self-control, as he knows the only thing that directs his behaviour are the values and expectations he has set for himself.

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Other men can feel this, and they look up to it. Indeed, unless a man of integrity’s values are self-denying in nature (like a monk), it is rare to find a man of integrity who is not successful. Such men like Prince Oladimeji used to manage themselves, and are able to push forward in life where others retreat into comfort.


Prince Oladimeji will not fear being vulnerable because he recognises the value in being open and honest.

Living with integrity is in no way taking the easy road but instead taking the road less traveled.


He learns to make repairs, make amends, and atone for mistakes. Simply put, Prince Oladimeji is a real man who will apologize for what he does and seeks out those he needs to admit something to.

He will not wait until he gets caught doing something in order to admit to it and change it.

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Prince Oladimeji learns to be more receptive to others, just as he is seeking to find role models and be role models where he can.

Hear Prince Oladimeji “the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.


” Yes, it can be difficult to be a man who is always honest and also lives by a set of strict principles and values. Many people will end up creating their own set of values and principles that fit their comfort level and conscience. Also, truthfulness can often be in the eye of the beholder.

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“A man who dedicates himself to following God’s law, morals and values is no longer living for self, but instead, living for God. God will honour a man who lives with integrity. One reason many men struggle to have integrity is because of fears of what it could cost them if they were to live a life of integrity at all times”.


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