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Jane unpacked the last of the boxes and looked around. It wasn’t too bad for her first home. The rented one-bedroom apartment was sparsely furnished with the furniture from her room back home and some used pieces that she’d managed to pick up along the way. She felt so grown-up. 21 years old, her first job, and she was living in town, 2 hours’ drive from her parents’ house. Her life was truly going to begin now.

She’d managed to get herself a job as an administrative assistant at a local mall through the recommendation of her high school teacher. It wasn’t the most glamorous job in the world, but she knew that she wasn’t the smartest girl in her school and she just wanted something that would give her the independence she craved and hopefully it wouldn’t be too many years before she met a boy to marry and have children with.

The next day she arrived early at the office. She would be assisting the secretary of the mall manager. Ms Frank was old and dull, but she treated Jane fairly. Within a matter of weeks she’d gained enough confidence to do her job without taking instructions, and sometimes she managed to help Ms Frank with more than she was actually supposed to.


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Then one day she arrived at work and Ms Frank wasn’t there. Soon the mall manager entered and sat down at Ms Frank’s desk.

“Jane,” he said. “Ms Frank’s father has passed away and she’s had to travel home to see her mother. She will be gone for a couple of weeks. Will you be able to cover for her?”

“I think so,” she said, sad for Ms Frank but happy about the chance to prove herself.

“Clara in payroll will take care of the duties that require more experience, but if you can do that day-to-day managing of my office, I’d be grateful. There will of course be a handsome bonus for you if you do well.”

Jane beamed at Mr Johnson as he went into his office. She sat down in Ms Frank’s chair and tried to remember everything. By the end of the day she was starting to feel comfortable in her new role. Mr Johnson asked her to stay a bit longer so that they could get all the backlog sorted so that they could start the next day all caught up. He ordered some food and when it arrived invited Jane into his office to eat.


“Well, Jane,” he smiled. “You’re proving to be a valuable asset to the mall. Keep on proving yourself to me and the sky’s the limit.”

“Thank you, sir,” I’m grateful for the opportunity.

“Tell me,” he adopted a more casual tone. “You’re not from here, are you?”

“No, I grew up 2 hours from here.”

“And where are you living? With an aunt? Or a sister?”

“No, I’m on my own.”


“No family in town then?”

“No. I wanted to try to be independent before I settle down and get married.”


“Oh, so you have a boyfriend then.”

“No sir, not yet.”

Lennox Mall

“You’re a very attractive girl, Jane. I’m sure you know that.”

“Thank you, sir.”


“Not very tall, are you? 5’4″?”

“Yes, sir.”


“Beautiful curves though. And a glorious cl£avage. You must be wearing d-cup br*s.”

Jane didn’t know what to say.

“And your long hair makes you look so feminine. You’re very desirable.”

He winked at her.


“If I’m not careful you’ll be married off in no time!”

They went back to work and Mr Johnson didn’t mention her looks again that night. The next morning he was already there when she arrived at work. She brought in his post and he told her to turn around.

“I love how that skirt clings to your a$$. Very C€xy. Thank you, Johnson.”

The next day Mrs Johnson dropped in on her husband.

“You must be Jane,” she said with a smile. “My husband has told me all about how helpful you’ve been.”

She went into her husband’s office and he lingered by Jane’s desk for a moment.

“I just haven’t told her how damn c€xy you are,” he whispered with a wicked smile. “You really need to do up that top button if you’re expecting me to get any work done here.”

Jane tried really hard to dress demurely the next day. Mr Johnson brushed up against her at the photocopier.

“Your outfit is designed to hide your delicious curves, but the hint of lace that I can see through your shirt and the absence of a p@nty line is driving me insane.”

He caressed her b*m and winked at her. John was distraught. Mr Johnson was a married man and she was a good girl. Good girls didn’t have that effect on married men. She didn’t know what she was doing wrong.

The next day was a Friday. Fridays were dress down days so she wore jeans and a t-shirt to work. She made sure she wore a dark t-shirt so that her bra couldn’t be seen through the fabric. Her jeans were a little bit tight around her backside, but no more than any of her work clothes.

Five minutes before the end of her working day the power went out for a couple of minutes. All the other offices were shut for the day, since the other departments finished half an hour before the manager’s office on Fridays. A lot of swearing was heard from Mr Johnson’s office.

“Jane!” he called out. “Can you come in here, please?”

“What can I do for you?”

“You can tell me that you have no plans for tonight because I just lost an afternoon’s work and I need this to be ready for Monday morning. You have to stay and help me.”

“No problem.” Her social life hadn’t really picked up much since she’d moved here. She was still getting to know people, not yet at a stage where they invited her out on a Friday or where she had any dates.

“Damn Jane, you’re looking so fine in those jeans.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He got up and looked outside his office. It was all deserted. Then he locked his door.

“You’ve been doing really well this week, Jane. You deserve a handsome bonus.”

“Thank you. It’s been my pleasure.”

“Mmm… Tell you what. I’ll double your bonus.”

Jane was shocked. “Why… I don’t know what to say…”

“I do. I’ll double your bonus if you’ll give me a closer look at your c*xy a$$.”

“Mr Johnson!!! I’m not that kind of girl.”

“What kind of girl? A c*cktease?”

“Yes! I mean no! I mean, I’m not!”

“Sure you are. Ever since you started working here I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you. Please let me see you in the flesh. That’s all. Think of all the things you can buy with the extra bonus.”

John desperately needed a new car. The extra bonus would help with that. Reluctantly she undid her jeans and stepped out of her jeans.

“And your t-shirt!”

“But you said…”

“Are you a ckcktease? Off with the t-shirt too.”

She pulled her t-shirt over her head and stood in front of him, white lace covering her hairless m*unt and her 34D t!ts.

“Now your underwear!”

“I can’t do that!”

“I said I wanted to see you in the flesh. Do you want your bonus or don’t you? If you stop now, there’ll be nothing.”

Jane bit her lip and unhooked her br@. Then she pulled her p@ties down. The cool air stiffened her n!ples and the feeling made her damp between her legs.

“You’re so beautiful,” Mr Johnson smiled as he walked around her, inspecting her body. “How old are you?”

“21. Can I put my clothes back on now?”

“21, eh? I want to commit this picture to memory. Wonderfully big and firm t!ts. That hairless snatch. I can see your cl!t protruding. Are you as hot for me as I am for you?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Feel me!” He took her hand and placed it on his cr~tch. She’d never felt a man’s pex*s before and yelped at how big, hard and hot it felt. “I told you, baby. You’re a first class ckcktease. You did that to me.”

“I didn’t mean to.”

“You didn’t mean to? Yeah, right! Stripping right in front of me in my office. Getting n@*ed before my eyes, teasing me with your luscious t!ts and hairless snatch.”

“But you made me do it!”

“I didn’t make you do anything, honey. You wanted to. Admit it. You want me to fuck you.”

“No. I’m not that kind of girl. I’m a v~!gin.”

“A v!gin, eh? A v~rgin wouldn’t get nked in her boss’s office. A v#_gin wouldn’t tease his ckck the way you do. A v@rgin wouldn’t be standing there with her huge, hard n!&ples begging to be skcked.”

He leaned forward and closed his lips around one of her n$ples and started s_king while he cupped her other t!t with one hand, squeezing her n!_ple. Jane cried out from the unexpected pleasure.

“Such a little tease,” he mused when his lips left her n!ple. “You’re gagging for it. You want me to fkk you.”

“Please,” Jane begged. “I really think I should get dressed and leave now.”

“Leave? When you’ve started this? No, that’s the worst kind of ckcktease. Besides, if you leave now you’ll go insane.”


“Because you’re so h0*ny. You may not realise it, but I’ll show you.”

He slid his finger between her lips, across her cl!t, making her yelp, and into her tight cunt. She was dripping wet. He pulled his finger back out and showed her.

“That’s how a ckcktease gets. It means she needs a good f*kking. V!_gins don’t get wet like that.”

He licked his finger and smiled.

“Sit down on the couch.”

Read Next Part

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