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General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, admitted that the sudden death of jos son, Pastor Dare, was a very big bow to him.

Pastor Adeboyev reportedly spoke at length, on Monday, about Dare’s death during which he said despite how much God revealed past and present happenings around the world to him, He (God) deliberately kept Dare’s impending death from him.

He said he had no inkling whatsoever that he (Dare) was going to die considering how well he handled all the assignments given to him.

The News Guru which has undertaken a robust coverage of the incident since it happened quoted Pastor Adeboye to have said: “Without any doubt this is a big blow, a very heavy blow.

“As a former boxer, I can tell you that the boxer never sees the blow that knocks him down.

“My son’s death caught me unawares. God never (did not) revealed (reveal) it to me; that is why it was so unexpected and devastating.”

The clergy stated that when he inquired from God after his son’s passing, God told him if he (Adeboye) had a fore knowledge of Dare’s death, he (Adeboye) would have stopped Him (God) from taking him (Dare) away.

▪︎My son died the way I would love to die, peacefully


Pastor Adeboye stated that despite how painful Dare’s early exit was, he (Adeboye) took consolation in the fact that he (Dare) died peacefully while doing the Lord’s work.

He said when he finished his earthly assignment, he (Adeboye) would love to depart this world in a peaceful manner his son did.

Read him: “Dare died the way I would want to die. He (Dare) had been busy organizing a very successful youth convention in Akwa Ibom after which he told people around him that he wanted to go and rest and that nobody should disturb him. He slept and never woke up.”

▪︎This a very hard exam for me

Pastor Adeboye, however, stated how difficult processing the death of his son was.

He said it was a difficult exam but God must have scored him high because of how calm he took it.


The cleric whom many thought would be grieving shocked the world on Thursday when he ministered virtually to millions of the church’s congregation in his usual calm and collected manner.

His wife, Pastor Folu Adeboye did the same on Friday during the monthly Holy Ghost Congress.


According to Adeboye: “Death has surprised me. This is a very hard exam. I believe I have passed this tough exam before God.

“The greater the exam, the greater the reward. In March God spoke to me about a New season, about promotion, and that there will be rewards. The Higher you go, the harder the exams and greater are the rewards.

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“This has been a very hard exam. This was a knockout blow. When I was a boxer, my coach taught me that when a blow knows you down and you hit the floor; you shouldn’t rush to get up immediately; that you should let the referee count at least till 8; use that time to analyze what happened, which what I have done since Dare’s passing.”

▪︎A confetti of tributes, condolences from all over the world


As expected, condolence messages have been pouring in for the cleric from all over the world.

President Muhammadu Buhari; Vice President Yemi Osinbajo (an ordained pastor of RCCG) and a majority of the 36 governors have either visited the cleric or sent a condolence message.


Religious bodies, Christian and Muslim clerics including the Sultan of Sokoto His Eminence Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III have also either visited or called to commiserate with him.

His international colleagues and admirers have also sent comforting messages.

▪︎Dare’s farewell service takes place today

Meantime, Dare’s farewell service takes place today at the Youth Centre, RCCG Redemption camp, Ogun State, Nigeria.


The Thanksgiving Songs and Tribute held on Monday in same venue. (Source: TNG)

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