Charity begins at home, in Africa very many traditional stools where King are crowned are surrounded by mystery, power and culture, some stand on ancient stones, wooden platforms, animal skin etc to be crowned, hence most 21st century “light minded” christians term the process idolatry.
The significance of stone in worship can not be over emphasized, such as the mystery stone of Ghana, Kukuruku hill and Samorika stone in Edo, Olumo rock of Abeokuta in Ogun state.

When Britain’s King Charles III is crowned in London on May 6, he’ll sit on an ancient chair housing a 335-pound boulder cloaked in mystery. Used for British coronations since the late 14th century, the Stone of Scone is of unknown origins and age.

Legend traces this rectangular slab to Palestine 3,000 years ago, but scientists believe it is likely from Scotland. The stone is among the most prized treasures of this nation, where it was long used to crown Scottish kings. Then in 1296, it was stolen by England.

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Until 1996, when it was finally given back to Scotland, the stone resided at Westminster Abbey, where it is now reappearing for Charles’ grand coronation. Soon after, the boulder will return to its current home, Scotland’s Edinburgh Castle.
One enduring myth gives the stone an even longer history. This legend states it was used as a pillow by biblical figure Jacob, more than three millennia ago, before being moved from Palestine to Egypt, Italy, Spain, and Ireland, where it was then seized by Celtic Scots.
But the Stone, which is made of sandstone, “cannot have been Jacob’s Pillow because that would have been limestone,” the bedrock of the Holy Land, says British archaeologist David Breeze, who co-authored the book The Stone of Destiny: Artefact and Icon.

After King Edward I conquered Scotland in 1296, he moved the stone to Westminster Abbey. “It was later fitted into King Edward’s chair, upon which all English and British sovereigns have been crowned since the end of the 14th century,” says British royal historian Tracy Borman.
Credit: nationalgeographic