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If you ever find yourself without power (ya know, like poor Texans did last month) you might be wondering what you can do for light aside from traditional battery operated flashlights and lanterns.

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Well, this might just be the coolest way to light up the dark… boiled potatoes!

Yes, I said potatoes as-in the food everyone loves!

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Potatoes are used for so many delicious foods such as mashed potatoes, fries, tater tots and the list goes on.


But aside from being delicious, potatoes can actually be used as an energy source much like a battery.  

Cool, right?

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A professor named Haim Rabinowitch at the Hebrew University Of Jerusalem found that by putting two metal rods into a potato, it created a chemical reaction allowing it to supply power.

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What’s even cooler, they found that if you boiled the potatoes for 8 minutes, it gave a ton more energy.

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In fact, boiled potatoes are about 6 times more inexpensive than a regular 1.5 v AA battery.

And a boiled potato can provide enough power to light a room for up to 40 hours! Isn’t that amazing?

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So, sounds like we all need to learn how to create potato batteries in case we are even in a bind and need some electricity! I say, keep these items handy in your emergency kit at all times!l

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You can see how these Potato Batteries are made below

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